Trenor P. Brown also known as T. Park Brown was born in Vermont on 11/17/1872. According to the 1880 census Trenor was 7 years old as of this census.
His parents, Lorenzo R. Brown, was a farmer born in NY.
Marietta M. Brown, his mother was keeping house also born in VT., originally from Shaftsbury.
I searched The Bennington Banner and found a few references to Trenor P. Brown, even found one where he was applying for a dog licence in October 1921.
Trenors home was located at 148 Mechanic Street in Bennington, where he worked as a Gardner.
Here are some other mentions of T. Park Brown:
The Bennington evening banner. January 18, 1913, Image 8
The Bennington evening banner. October 07, 1921, Section 2, Page nine, Image 9
The Bennington banner. December 26, 1889, Image 2
Trenor P. Brown is buried in Grandview Cemetery Shaftsbury Vermont. Trenor passed in 1956, he was 84 years old..
While researching T. Park Brown, I was only finding references to Trenor P. Brown....It was not until I found a copy of his U.S. World War One Draft Registration Card that I saw him registered as Trenor Park Brown.