This is quite an unusual Little Brown Jug. We have seen examples with "Bennington" scratched on them with the Augt 16th 1877 date, but this is the first I have seen without the "16 th" and with 1877 twice. Then we find another error, it seems he had a problem with the second "7". One can only guess what was on the potters mind that day !!
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Then again this could also be a possible scenario !!
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1866 or 1876
...looks like he was a little distracted.....
The 1876 "Smear"
...the customer already had an 1876 jug, he wanted a plain one, so just smear it out with your finger !!!
The Extra "L"
...hmmmmmm started the "L" in Little Brown Jug a little too low !!!