History - Norton Worcester Pottery

     My main focus on the history of the Norton Worcester Pottery is to view and discus their Albany Slip incised Miniatures / Smalls.  Years ago I purchased through Marlin Denlingers auction in Bennington a small spice jar, Cream of Tarter,  which I believed was made by the Nortons of Bennington.  Later I added another piece also purchased through auction...Cinnamon.  By looking at the style of script I knew it was Bennington. Plus if you compare the script on these pieces to the script on Little Brown Jugs attributed to Norton Bennington it seemed obvious.

     That was until Kevin Daughney Norton Worcester expert said they were Worcester pieces.  I knew Kevin  was wrong, that was until he sent me photos from the Norton Worcester historical collection.........Plus there is a signed Worcester piece on eBay that also has the similar script !!!

At this point Kevin give us some insight, I value your opinion and knowledge.


"T.R. HOWE"  

"North Brookfield"


The Howe family have old roots in the area 

and are also associated with Howe Lumber located in East Brookfield, MA. 

The above pieces are on display at the Norton Worcester facility.

     Kevin Daughney told me these were made by John Jeppson, 

the above spice jars were recently sold at auction, 

these came out of Johns Son Georges home.

     Franklin Blackmer Norton was the grandson of Captain John Norton 
the founder of the Norton Pottery, Bennington Vermont in 1793.
He left Bennington and went to Worcester Mass. to start his own pottery in 1858.
A partnership was formed with Frederick Hancock.
Establishing the pottery F. B. Norton & Co.
Kevin D. thanks for the above photos.