circa 1900 - Norton / Fenton House on Pleasant Street
E.T. Griswold Postcard of Judge Luman Norton's Home 1838
Paula Saggerman is an architectural historian preparing a National Register of Historic Places, nomination for the Julius Norton House on Pleasant St., which is also known as the Abbott House, and Thomas House.
Photo by Paula Saggerman
Judge Luman Norton home, 1907.
Frederick Dunham Burt photographer
Bennington Museum Collection
John Norton Home on Monument Avenue Extension, 1914.
Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got til its gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot
Photo of the construction of C. W. Thatcher home on the corner of Pleasant and Park Street taken in 1895. Thatcher was Edward Norton's partner in The Edward Norton & Co. Pottery.