SHAPE: Sides taper slightly from a high shoulder to the base, ear shaped handle, and a thick shaped rim.
HEIGHT: They range in size from 2 3/8" to 3 3/8" inches in height.
DIAMETER: The diameter ranges from 1 3/4" to 1 7/8".
CAPACITY: They all hold approximately two ounces of liquid.
COLOR: They are covered with Albany slip, a deep chocolate brown glaze. The brown glaze was applied by dipping the jug upside down into the glaze. This can be seen by looking at the base of the jug and seeing the characteristic three finger prints near the base where the jug was held.
MARKINGS: Various inscriptions were scratched into the jug before being fired in the kiln.
PRICING: Little Brown Jugs were sold at the $1.20 / dozen in 1886,
by 1893 they were selling at $1.25 / dozen.
Pricing was taken from Edward Norton & Co. Bills.