Bennington Monument

    In order to understand the place in history of  Little Brown Jugs plus the relevance of their inscriptions, you have to understand the significance of the Battle Of Bennington, the Bennington Centennial, the celebration of Battle Day, and ultimately the building of the Bennington Monument.

     The Bennington Battle Monument is 306 feet 4 and 1/2 inches tall; the cornerstone was laid in 1887, and the monument completed and dedicated in 1891.
     These photographs are of the monument under construction 1887-1891. During construction the blocks of dolomite stone are laid in a pattern know as headers and stretchers. The stones are cut at the site into long, thick blocks; the stretchers are laid lengthwise and the headers are laid with the ends to the outer wall running through to the inside of the structure. The joints are filled with coarse sand and Portland cement. The corner stone (thought to be the southeast corner) is seven feet long, more than two feet thick and is estimated to weigh five tons. On August 16, 1887 the Grand Lodge of Vermont Free and Accepted Masons lay the cornerstone which contains a time capsule filled with memorabilia. The image is also on display in the small gallery inside at the base of the monument.
Thank you Howard C. Ohlhous for this great history.

Monument is approximately half way complete.

Bennington Museum Collection

     The Bennington Banner reported that the capstone was put into place on Monday November 25, 1889.  If you would like to read the original article as it appears in the Bennington Banner of November  28, 1889 visit link below.
Bennington Museum Collection

1890 - Before the landscapers showed up to build Monument Circle.

Bennington Museum Collection

The Monument was about 2 years old when this photo was taken.
Photo credit - Bennington History After Dirt Was Invented.
Monument view from Monument Avenue.
Bennington Museum Collection

looking east
Key House to the left of Monument

Bennington Museum Collection


"Monument commemorating Battle of Bennington -

- Walmscock, N.Y., 1777.

Bennington Museum Collection

from Harwood Hill
National Guard Cavalry

Bennington Museum Collection
Bennington Museum Collection

Bennington Museum Collection.

View from Monument Avenue - 1912

Bennington Museum Collection

Bennington Battle Monument taken from the north side

Bennington Museum Collection

Bennington Battle Monument taken from the north side
Bennington Battle Monument taken from the north side

1923 - North Road leading to Monument Circle 

Charles Reynolds Photographer

Bennington Museum Collection 

     1927 - Special lighting was set up for the 

Sesquicentennial Celebration at the Monument... 

There were 15 lamps producing 4.5 million candlepower each.

Photographer Wills White
Bennington Museum Collection